Inside the Devils mind!

Empty mind, evil thoughts.

To the mind that has been accustomed to overthink, the love for finding a reason to worry is pocket change. A small change in attitude, driven by unrelated elements, may stretch the imagination to think of the worst. Why the mind tries to play such tricks on the pitiful souls, one will never know.

But, arguably, no amount of cajoling is enough to put to rest the insecurities that lie buried in the mind. Being of such emotional nature generally makes the heart weep at the thought of being separated from the recesses of the soul.

An over thinking soul would always find his way to a fear. There may be nothing beneath the wraps, but the mind knows the trick to play up on insecurities. The mind finds a way to prey on the inner peace, all it needs is a time to pounce and what better time than when there are no other thoughts dancing around.

The dance of insecurity

Loneliness breeds insecurity. The desire for companionship, friendship and acceptance drives the lonely soul towards relationships that break or make. But living in that shell, within the secure net created, the fear of being alone again, after a spell of companionship, lurks in the background. When the shell breaks and the air hits, the lonely souls would love to return to solitude, but for the companion on the way.

And alas, all companions do not hold the hand, especially when needed the most. The loner would love nothing more than his solitude and would not want the wall to be broken again.

Lonely, Happy soul

The lonely soul is not the one to be pitied. The strongest emotional wrecks become loners, destined to be happy with their own selves. Any relationship avenues are scanned but due diligence sieves the thought of it.

There may be a fear of commitment or a fear of companionship altogether. But loneliness is something that enriches the inner being, giving it the fuel of creativity.

Self love and acceptance

The loner is neither a misanthrope nor a hermit. It is sometimes just a phase, and with the right person, the shell breaks and may never build again. The tragedy is that after coming out from the shell, there is seldom a soul willing to go all the way.

In all this, the cornerstone for the insecure soul lies in them love of the self. But this is not always easy and more often than not, the insecure soul blames himself and reeks of self pity. That may not be true for loners, who have found a way to be comfortable with themselves and they know the treasures that lie in them.

The battle in the mind.

There is no peace in the mind of the insecure, just questioning everything from his existence to his loneliness. Everything is at battle and there is no place to hide.

He can, just like an ostrich!



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