Love on a Park Bench

Lust not love, harsh reality staring in our face,
Love has left the heart, for it there is no place,
Jumping and sprinting with the fast life to keep pace,
Where has the love gone,  left without a trace!

Everyone wants to show the world the trophy in hand,
To any lengths they would go, to show the world they can,
Long chats on ear phone padded ears, beyond my ken,
No one in the world, seems to want to use the pen.

Long ago did Shakespeare write the tale of Juliet and Romeo,
The undying story of love, pain, death and sorrow,
Todays Juliet has many romeos, who are but callow,
No one knows if the love will see the morrow.

Insipid, clandestine tales of love, of passion,
Stemming from want for some, for others just passing fashion,
A trophy to hold, not to behold but pride on his possession,
The beauty of the greens, the park bench renascent.


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